This blog is the sister to my other 2 Food-Recipe blogs on blogspot, goodeliphe and chorleycakes.
It is for cookies, snacks, sweet treats and all things that make your mouth go WOW ( GOBSMACKED English for OMG!)
Recipes that are easy to make and produce good flavors that are healthy without tasting like straw and hay.

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Saturday, May 9, 2015


It is Mother's day tomorrow in USA so I am making this, nothing is American as Apple Pie and this cake heralds from The Pennsylvania Dutch, and age old recipe that is wonderful, warm from the oven with plain yogurt or cream.

Or serve at room temp with a good cup of coffee. Sprinkling with more sugar and ground cinnamon makes for a spicy, crispy top.

This makes 1   13 x 9 x 2 inch pan/baking dish.
Wholewheat and not too sweet.

Preheat oven 350F 

Butter/oil the baking pan really well and set aside

1 cup all purpose flour
2 cups whole wheat flour
1tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp sea salt
2 tsp ground cinnamon

1 tsp grated nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cloves

Mix everything together in a large bowl, set aside.

In another bowl, beat:
2 large eggs
2 cups sugar
1 cup safflower oil ( OR grape seed, sunflower, NOT OLIVE)
Until light and thick.

Add the flour mix alternatively with 1 1/4 cups cold  water.
Whisk/beat to a smooth batter and fold in:

2 medium Granny Smith (slightly sour) apples cored, not peeled and chopped into 1/4 inch chunks.

2 medium Gala  apples (or other sweet apples)  cored, not peeled and roughly chopped into 1/2 inch pieces 
 (sweeter apples fall apart quicker than more sour ones, so it helps if the pieces are larger)

Spread the batter into the oiled pan, and smooth the top.
Sprinkle with 2 tbsp sugar and 1 tsp ground cinnamon

Bake on a cookie sheet 45 mins,
Then turn oven down to 300f and bake a further 20-25 mins.

Remove from oven and from cookie sheet and allow to cool on wire rack, in pan, cut when cold

OE serve warm, cutting into serving slices with a sharp knife.


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