This blog is the sister to my other 2 Food-Recipe blogs on blogspot, goodeliphe and chorleycakes.
It is for cookies, snacks, sweet treats and all things that make your mouth go WOW ( GOBSMACKED English for OMG!)
Recipes that are easy to make and produce good flavors that are healthy without tasting like straw and hay.

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THE GREAT GRANNY Diet, Volume 4.
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Thursday, December 4, 2014

TASTY MOUTHFULS...A new blog and new ideas from old. Plus Buttered-Rum Cookie Recipe!

here's a quick little recipe for you: Buttered-Rum Cookies Basic Recipe and variations

These are a rich, almost shortbread, cookie with hints of dark rum.

1/2 cup butter softened
1 cup powdered sugar
4tbsp  dark rum 
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 cup any roasted nut finely chopped

1 egg beaten
2tbsp water
dark brown sugar

preheat oven 375F

Cream the butter and powdered sugar until light and fluffy.
Add the rum and beat in.
Stir in the flour and salt to combine then fold in the nuts.
The dough will be short and a bit sticky.
Roll out between 2 layers of waxed or parchment paper to 1/4 inch thick on a lightly floured board.
Remove top layer of paper and cut into desired shapes with either a sharp knife or cookie cutter.

These make a great grown-up alternative to gingerbread cookies and can be hung from the tree too, using a nice red ribbon

Place the cookies on an ungreased cookie sheet.
Mix the egg with the water, brush the tops of  cookies lightly and sprinkle with the dark brown sugar.
Bake 12-14 mins until lightly golden.
Cool on tray for 5 mins then on wire rack.


Add any other hard liquor in place of rum, whisky, brandy & etc.
May also be drizzled with melted chocolate when the cookies are cold, in this case omit the brown sugar.
Add 1/2 cup any dried fruit chopped fine, dried cherries make the festive for the Holidays, crystallised ginger give them an adult flavor (this would be great with ginger wine in place of rum)
In place of chopped nuts use any seeds, for large seed (sunflower) chop finely before adding.
Do not add chocolate chips as these cookies are baked at a high temp and chocolate will burn.

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